How much Shutterstock Paid to Contributors


How much Shutterstock Paid to Contributors

The Shutterstock Contributor Program stands as the foremost platform where photographers and illustrators can market their images and earn income each time customers purchase a license for their creations on Shutterstock. As the most extensive contributor program available, it constitutes a significant portion, up to 50%, of the total revenue for certain photographers.

How Much Does Shutterstock Pay for Contributors?

When your images or videos are downloaded on Shutterstock, you earn commissions ranging from 15% to 40%. For images, this translates to earnings of $0.10 to $5.80 per download, $10.20 to $39.80 for extended licenses, and $1.25 to $47.92 for each video download.

Your commission rate is determined by your current image and video levels, which fluctuate depending on the number of photos or videos you sell within a calendar year. The higher your level, the higher your commission, starting at 15% for level 1 and reaching 40% at level 6.

Each time a customer downloads your photo, you receive one download credit. To increase your earnings as a Shutterstock Contributor, you should aim to upload more content that garners frequent downloads.

Image earnings

Image levelsPhotos soldYou earn
Level 1Up to 10015%
Level 2101 to 25020%
Level 3251 to 50025%
Level 4501 to 2,50030%
Level 52,501 to 25,00035%
Level 625,000+40%

Video earnings

Videos levelsVideos soldYou earn
Level 1Up to 1015%
Level 211 to 5020%
Level 351 to 25025%
Level 4251 to 5,00030%
Level 55,001 to 25,00035%
Level 625,000+40%

Can You Make a Living Off Shutterstock?

Many people dream of making money from stock photos, like on Shutterstock. It’s possible with hard work, but relying only on Shutterstock can be tough. You need to use different websites and have lots of good photos that match what people want.

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